Intuitive query language to filter stocks any way you like instead of pre-canned bins. Save as many Screens you like. | |
Quickest way to perform due-diligence on any stock. Most comprehensive and in-depth one-pager on the internet. | |
Equity portfolio of 1000s of active funds such as Buffett, Carl Icahn, Cathie Woods etc. What stocks are the funds buying or selling? Historical trend of purchase of a stock by a fund | |
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Great tool for stock discovery especially for lesser known micro-caps and mid-caps. Which stocks made 52-week highs? Which stocks had the most earnings in the industry? Which stocks were crushed recently? Which have been multi-baggers ? | |
Are funds buying or selling the stock? What funds have sold the stock? Which opened new positions? Trend of number of funds interested in the stock. | |
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History of important ratios for stocks. Valuation Metrics - Trends for PE, Price-to-Sales, EV/EBT etc. Profitability Metrics - ROE, Return-On-Assets etc. Financial Health - Debt-to-Equity Ratio, Current Ratio etc. Operational Performance - Asset-to-Sales Ratio, Sales-to-Inventory etc. | |
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If you have been mostly looking at the price chart and hoping to make a quick buck on a stock then chances are that you haven't yet discovered the true joy of investing. Price charts are important but know that they are just one clue out of many. The real joy of investing is in exploring many stocks and finding a few gems that will multi-fold your investments over the years.